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Our Impact

The Chubby’s Project has made a real difference in the lives of the people in our community. Donors, volunteers, restaurant workers and lunch recipients all benefit in some way, and the community becomes more connected.  The fruitage of our work is apparent in the comments we receive from our lunch recipients.


“Thank you for the food today.  We are able to spend very little on food with your help and this is helping us keep the heat on.

“I’m so happy and thankful for the work you do helping our community.  Your kindness touches more lives than you could ever know.”

“If not for your generosity, care, and kindness we don’t know what we would have done.  Words can’t express how we feel.”

“Each knock at the door brought smiles, treats, and sweets, along with relief and hope and appreciation.  Living in a community that wraps its arms around a family in need is a gift that we will never forget.”

“Thank you so much for your weekly food- so healthy, and stuff I never buy!  And beautiful weekly flowers!”

“The Chubby’s Project is a real sunshine-maker!  Thank you very much for everything that you are doing, helping us.  You make our life safe and brighter! God bless you always.”

“Thank you for all you have done for me!  You are an amazing group of people who spread joy and hope!

“We can’t thank you enough for your kindness.  As difficult as this year has been, you’ve been able to warm our hearts and fill our bellies.  We wish that your generosity is returned to you tenfold, and will not forget all of your caring gestures.”


180 lunches weekly

16,000 lunches since March 2020

2 food pantries restocked weekly

Contact Us

1 Railroad Pl
Hopewell, NJ 08525





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© 2023 The Chubby's Project. 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charitable Organization. All Rights Reserved.

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