What We Do
The Chubby’s Project’s signature effort is a lunch program through which we deliver hot meals and groceries three days a week to neighbors in need. Meals are made by Aunt Chubby’s Luncheonette and provided to the Project at cost. The symbiotic relationship between the luncheonette and the nonprofit allows us to leverage the restaurant’s infrastructure and supply chains to provide wholesome, nutritious meals and groceries to those we serve as well as to keep employees working full time.
Food Pantry
The Project also stocks two self-serve food pantries with items provided by community members. We work with school and community groups to collect and sort donations, stock the pantry, and educate the public about food insecurity and food justice in Hopewell and beyond.
Soup Delivery
Our newest program is a Tuesday soup delivery service for a small group of our lunch recipients. This program offers another opportunity for connection through a virtual meeting of participants. A local pastor delivers soup donated by local restaurants, visits with recipient, and runs a zoom group for conversation and connection.
Hunger Awareness Walk
The Chubby’s Project has also sponsored two Hunger Awareness Walks in conjunction with the Council of Churches’ Sunday of Service and numerous food drives in conjunction with local 5th graders and Boy Scout troops. These events garnered much needed funds for the project, kept our food pantry stocked through the winter, and raised awareness of food insecurity in our community.